Sunday, 18 October 2020

IOT and COVID 19


COVID 19 and Blockchain



·        One major issue is how prepared the world’s health systems are to respond to this outbreak.

·        Tracking a huge population of infectious patients to stop epidemics

·        Another is the immediate requirement for developing better diagnostics, vaccines, and targeted therapeutics.

·        Misinformation and conspiracy theories spread through social media platforms.

·        Various limitations while accessing the tools when required. 

·        No adequate measures to adopt in a crisis situation. 


With Blockchain we can share any transaction / information, real time, between relevant parties present as nodes in the chain, in a secure and immutable fashion. In this case, had there been a blockchain where WHO, Health Ministry of each country and may be even relevant nodal hospitals of each country, were connected, sharing real time information, about any new communicable disease, then the world might have woken up much earlier. We might have seen travel restrictions given sooner, quarantining policies set sooner and social distancing implemented faster. And may be fewer countries would have got impacted.

What every country is doing now fighting this pandemic, would have been restricted to fewer countries and in a much smaller scale. The usage of a Blockchain to share the information early on, might have saved the world a lot of pain.

The world had not seen anything like COVID-19 pandemic before in the recent history. Today we need to take a hard look at the reporting infrastructure available for communicable diseases, both technology and regulations and improve upon that, such that we do not need to face another pandemic like this in the future. 


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