block_example = list(index = 1,
timestamp = "2018-01-05 18.00 GMT",
data = "some data",
previous_hash = 0,
proof = 9,
new_hash = NULL)
digest("Manish" ,"sha256")
digest("BD" ,"sha256")
#Function that creates a hashed "block"
hash_block = function(block){
block$new_hash <- digest(c(block$index,
block$previous_hash), "sha256")
### Simple Proof of Work Alogrithm
proof_of_work <- function(last_proof){
proof <- last_proof + 1
# Increment the proof number until a number is found that is divisable by 99 and by the proof of the previous block
while (!(proof %% 99 == 0 & proof %% last_proof == 0 )){
proof <- proof + 1
#A function that takes the previous block and normally some data (in our case the data is a string indicating which block in the chain it is)
gen_new_block <- function(previous_block){
new_proof <- proof_of_work(previous_block$proof)
#Create new Block
new_block <- list(index = previous_block$index + 1,
timestamp = Sys.time(),
data = paste0("this is block ", previous_block$index +1),
previous_hash = previous_block$new_hash,
proof = new_proof)
#Hash the new Block
new_block_hashed <- hash_block(new_block)
# Define Genesis Block (index 1 and arbitrary previous hash)
block_genesis <- list(index = 1,
timestamp = Sys.time(),
data = "Genesis Block",
previous_hash = "0",
proof = 1)
blockchain <- list(block_genesis)
previous_block <- blockchain[[1]]
# How many blocks should we add to the chain after the genesis block
num_of_blocks_to_add <- 5
# Add blocks to the chain
for (i in 1: num_of_blocks_to_add){
block_to_add <- gen_new_block(previous_block)
blockchain[i+1] <- list(block_to_add)
previous_block <- block_to_add
print(cat(paste0("Block ", block_to_add$index, " has been added", "\n",
"\t", "Proof: ", block_to_add$proof, "\n",
"\t", "Hash: ", block_to_add$new_hash)))
timestamp = "2018-01-05 18.00 GMT",
data = "some data",
previous_hash = 0,
proof = 9,
new_hash = NULL)
digest("Manish" ,"sha256")
digest("BD" ,"sha256")
#Function that creates a hashed "block"
hash_block = function(block){
block$new_hash <- digest(c(block$index,
block$previous_hash), "sha256")
### Simple Proof of Work Alogrithm
proof_of_work <- function(last_proof){
proof <- last_proof + 1
# Increment the proof number until a number is found that is divisable by 99 and by the proof of the previous block
while (!(proof %% 99 == 0 & proof %% last_proof == 0 )){
proof <- proof + 1
#A function that takes the previous block and normally some data (in our case the data is a string indicating which block in the chain it is)
gen_new_block <- function(previous_block){
new_proof <- proof_of_work(previous_block$proof)
#Create new Block
new_block <- list(index = previous_block$index + 1,
timestamp = Sys.time(),
data = paste0("this is block ", previous_block$index +1),
previous_hash = previous_block$new_hash,
proof = new_proof)
#Hash the new Block
new_block_hashed <- hash_block(new_block)
# Define Genesis Block (index 1 and arbitrary previous hash)
block_genesis <- list(index = 1,
timestamp = Sys.time(),
data = "Genesis Block",
previous_hash = "0",
proof = 1)
blockchain <- list(block_genesis)
previous_block <- blockchain[[1]]
# How many blocks should we add to the chain after the genesis block
num_of_blocks_to_add <- 5
# Add blocks to the chain
for (i in 1: num_of_blocks_to_add){
block_to_add <- gen_new_block(previous_block)
blockchain[i+1] <- list(block_to_add)
previous_block <- block_to_add
print(cat(paste0("Block ", block_to_add$index, " has been added", "\n",
"\t", "Proof: ", block_to_add$proof, "\n",
"\t", "Hash: ", block_to_add$new_hash)))
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